17 Nov 2008

Tourism of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province looks forward to 2010

On the threshold of potential advantages and challenges to the risk of lagging behind, direction and task to tourism development in the period 2006-2010 have just been formed by tourism branch of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province as follows: determinedly striving for welcoming 7.6 million visitors in 2010, therein about 360 thousand foreign visitors, turnover of VND 1,760 billion. To reach the target of double turnover at present, what will the tourism branch of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province do in coming period ?

Since 2001 and up to now, tourism activities of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province have reached prosperity and positive changes, many special subjects have been executed for the purpose of making tourism environment good. In the period 2001 – 2005, tourism operation always get effective, the planned norm is over-fulfilled; total estimated turnover reached VND 889 billion at “top ten” position in the country in 2005. Investment in tourism developed considerably within the past five years. In the period 1996-2000, there were 6 projects with the registered capital of nearly VND 600 billion. In the period 2001-2005, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province attracted 64 investment projects for tourism with the total registered capital of about VND 5,000 billion…. At present, there are 90 hotels and tourism sites, which increases 20% in comparion with the year 2001, therein there are 14 hotels and tourism sites with standards of the 3 – 4 star categories all the province. The achievement was reached thanks to directions, clear strategies of tourism development from the provincial committee of the Party and People’s Committee of the province in every period.

However, tourism of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province has not yet developed in correspondence with potentialites and advantages of the province in past years. The growth rate still resembles the style of equal advance; the growth rate in the following year is higher than the one in the previous year; the growth rate in the following period is higher than the one in the previous period. There haven’t been great advances and breakthrough in the growth rate. The reasons why it is like that are the slowly - executed master plan for tourism, no considerable investment and no special large - scale projects for tourism, lack of the wonderful types of tourism with competitive ability to attract tourists and make great advances…Many infrastructure projects for directly serving tourism was slowly executed, haven’t been satisfactory and taken effect yet as required. Besides, there are deficiency of close co-ordination among relevant agencies in tourism development; the procedures for investment in eco-tourism sites relevant to forestry land are complicated; point of departure of the provincial tourism depended on almost small businesses with limited capacity for competition…Formerly, while tourism activities were dull in other localities such as Binh Thuan, Quang Nam, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa Province soared and reached a great achievement in Vietnamese tourism activities. This caused people not to have peace of mind and worry about Ba Ria - Vung Tau tourism’s lagging behind although quantity of visitors to the province and its turnover are many times as high as the ones of the other provinces. Solutions of Ba Ria - Vung Tau tourism to attracting the high-class visitors, increasing their expenses and stay presented in coming years are better than the ones to simple increase in quantity of domestic visitors. Therefore, the increase in the large-scale investment projects and clearer policies on land and tax is necessary. Land should be transferred to investors with real financial resources and capacity for business to increase the province’s ability for competiting and attracting the high-class visitors.

On the threshold of potential advantages and challenges to the risk of lagging behind, direction and task to tourism development in the period 2006-2010 have just been formed by tourism branch of the province as follows: striving for pushing Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province for a tourism centre in the country and the area until 2010 and orienting development until 2015. To reach the goal, the tourism branch had to understand clearly socioeconomic conditions of the province for the purpose of raising quality and effect of activities on pushing investment and developing advantages of nature, ecotourism, traditional culture. Relying on that, investing in infrastructure for tourism, developing and diversifying tourism services, raising quality of facilites and effect of state management on tourism, training and developing human resources, applying science and technology in tourism, strengthening propaganda and spread, protecting natural and social environments for tourism development are required.

From: Vung Tau Tourist

(Click to view image full-size)

Image from: Yeutoidi

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