1 Nov 2008

At a snail’s pace

Song Que (Countryside Life) Restaurant, where customers can sit around for hours drinking beer and enjoying delta flavors at a delta pace, is the perfect place to enjoy Can Tho’s special grilled salt and pepper snails.

A visit to the Mekong Delta’s biggest city wouldn’t be complete without trying oc nuong muoi tieu.

The oc buou (freshwater apple snails) are soaked in either water that has been used to wash rice or filtered water with sliced chili slices for about 30 minutes to give them a more pleasant texture. The snails are then dried in a basket for

five to 10 minutes. The next step is to grill them over red-hot coals, turning their mouths to the coals so that the shells will not break and the meat won’t burn. The coals are fanned often to maintain the heat.

When the snails begin to smell appetizing, they are taken from the grill and their covers are removed. Then a mix of lemon juice, sugar, pepper, garlic and fish sauce is poured into the shells before they are grilled for another five minutes. The spices are the most important factor in making the dish tasty and fragrant.

The grilled pepper snail tastes best when the meat is well-done and just a touch crispy.

Fresh snails are best, as the meat in pre-boiled or steamed snails is not as sweet.

The snails should be tasty enough not to require any extra dipping sauce though many do enjoy them with some extra Vietnamese coriander on top.

Sitting in a Can Tho restaurant enjoying grilled salt and pepper snails on a rainy day while listening to traditional southern music is a real treat for out-of-towners.

Song Que Restaurant grilled salt and pepper snails are known as the best in the region. According to the restaurant’s manager An Tam, Song Que was the first restaurant in Can Tho to serve the specialty.

A traditional southern music band performs every night and customers can ask to hear their favorite songs.

Song Que is located at 18/9/53B Tran Phu Street, Ninh Kieu District.

Reported by Diem Thu

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