13 Oct 2008

“October Emotion” exhibition to be held

The “October Emotion” exhibition, featuring art works by artist Nguyen Bao Toan, will take place from October 10 to 25 at the Republic of Korea Cultural Center in Hanoi, on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of diplomatic relation between Vietnam and the South Korea, and he 54th anniversary of the capital city’s liberation.

The exhibition will display 43 works by the artist, 36 of which depict 36 old streets of Hanoi and the rest will illustrate bridges such as The Huc and Long Bien Bridges that are part of the cultural life of Hanoians. All works have been made on fabric and newspaper in combination with photos.

The event is aimed to promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding between the two countries by launching the simple beauty of the old streets of the capital city not to only Vietnamese but also to the South Korean visiting Vietnam. In recent years, the Republic of Korea Cultural Center has held art and photo exhibitions to praise the beauty of the two countries through the senses of artists.

Artist Nguyen Bao Toan was born in 1950 in Hang Be Street and grew up in Hang Gai Street in Hanoi. His life has been filled with memories of the old streets.

Source: SGT

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