25 Oct 2008

Du Mien Cafe - Phu Nhuan District

One of the best kept secrets in Saigon is the Du Mien Cafe located in the Phu Nhuan District. It is located about 5 minutes from my house and a very convenient location for me to meet my Vietnamese friends and students. If you are tired of the expat crowds, this is the ideal location to go. The majority of expats do not even know this place exists though if you asked the taxi driver in District 1, I am sure he he knows about this coffee shop. I did notice that Pao (Rising Above the Phantasm of a Geek) mention this coffee shop in his blog.

The architecture of this cafe is quite nice. I am sure Mel (Antidote to Burnout) would like this coffee shop since it used to be a French villa with a huge garden and pools. The coffee and food is really good. It is packed in the evenings and a really popular place for a guy to take out his girl…

Du Mien Cafe Address:

48/9A Ho Bieu Chanh Str., Phu Nhuan District, Saigon, Vietnam

Images from Flickr/

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