9 Aug 2008

My Son plus

A new tour has been launched to give visitors to Hoi An the opportunity to discover the World Heritage Cham temple complex at nearby My Son

Combining transportation by car, bike and boat to show tourists the countryside and also visit traditional craft villages, the tour starts in Hoi An around six am and arrives at My Son sanctuary at seven-an ideal time to take great pictures of the ancient towers lurking in the mist

Ando Katsuhiro, a Japanese tourist, wrote in the guest book of the tour operator, Le Nguyen Travel:” I had a good time taking pictures of the site. Doing sightseeing early in the morning when one’s mind is fresh makes it easy for what one sees to permeate oneself

After a two hour and a half hour visit to the Cham towers tourists can, as a group, choose to return to Hoi An or continue on by bike and boat to nearby craft villages making traditional pancakes, ceramics and wooden furniture. The tour ends in Hoi An at around 1-2 pm and costs $12 per person, excluding admission fees to tourist sites

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