12 Aug 2008

238 people reported dead and missing in floods

The number of flood victims keeps rising while a new low tropical pressure front is forecast to hit northern provinces from Quang Ninh to Hai Phong.

According to the Central Steering Board for Flood and Storm Control, by morning August 12, the number of people that had been reported dead in floods was up to 112, including 48 in Lao Cai province, 35 in Yen Bai, 9 in Ha Giang, 8 in Quang Ninh, 6 in Phu Tho, 2 in Lack Son, one each in Lai Chau, Bac Kan, Thai Nguyen and Dien Bien.

The number of missing people was 45, 3 less than August 11: 37 in Lao Cai, 3 in Yen Bai, 2 each in Ha Giang and Lang Son and 1 in Bac Kan.

The injured numbered 81, 43 more than yesterday, including 49 in Lao Cai, 25 in Yen Bai, 2 each in Bac Kan, Tuyen Quang, Phu Tho and 1 in Quang Ninh.

While northern provinces are busy dealing with consequences of floods, the new low pressure is causing strong winds and heavy rains in Quang Ninh province.

The water levels of some rivers like Thao, Hong, Cau and Thuong are diminishing. Experts say that floods from most rivers will subside tomorrow morning but Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Cao Bang, Bac Kan, Ha Giang and Tuyen Quang may have landslides.

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